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On stage


Lars Corijn

Chief conductor


Jappe Dendievel

Founder and Artistic Director

Section leaders

Meet our section leaders! 10 talented young people who are already experienced orchestra musicians and thus bring their section to the highest level. In addition, they provide a pleasant rehearsal atmosphere and they work directly with the conductor and coaches on every project.

The board

Meet the board of the MSFO! A group of committed young people who put their shoulders under this project. Thanks in part to them, the orchestra's mission can be practically realized and the musical dreams come to the stage.

Mahler Student Festival Orchestra vzw.

Molenstraat 124, 8020 Oostkamp.

0805918659 Rechtspersonenregister ondernemingsrechtbank Gent, afdeling Brugge

©2024 by Mahler Student Festival Orchestra.

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